Cornerstone on Demand (CSOD) Integration Guide

Modified on Thu, 23 Jan at 9:23 AM

Key features of the integration 


With the CSOD x Vieple integration, you can invite candidates to complete any of the interviews within your Vieple account, and once rated, you are able to view their scores on the candidate record. 


Vieple will help you design your interviews so you are getting the best insights, fast. As well as offering everything you love about video interviews, Vieple gives you additional flexibility, allowing you to choose multi-choice, text, audio only and essay-style responses.  


Because CSOD displays the current list of open interviews, you can add a new interview in your Vieple account and use it in CSOD without requiring additional configuration.  




How to setup the integration 

  1. Contact [email protected] to get a Vieple account set up. Already have a Vieple account? Head to step 2. 

  1. In CSOD, ensure the Video Interview Connector is enabled in Edge Marketplace. Once you have the Connector enabled, copy the Callback Access Key as you will need to provide it to Vieple Support. 
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  1. Decide on the following parameters: 

  1. Do you require Read Only or Full Access via the integration?  

  1. Read Only access means you can view the candidate responses, but cannot comment or score themYou don’t need to log in to Vieple to view the candidate responses. This method is useful if you have another way to rate or rank candidates (eg in CSOD) and don’t need to use Vieple’s scoring system. 

  1. Full Access means you can view the candidate responses and provide scores and comments. You will need to use SSO or log in to Vieple to view each candidate. This method is useful if you are using Vieple’s scoring system to rate and review candidates.  

  1. If you want to use Full Access and enable SSO, please request Vieple’s SSO configuration guide. You will need to provide that to your IDP Manager.  

  1. How many days are candidates allowed to complete their interview? 

  1. Vieple lets you decide how many days candidates will be given to complete their interview. This is really useful if you have ‘generic’ interviews that you want to link to multiple job requisitions, because you can set a distant close date on the interview, and the integration with CSOD will automatically assign each candidate a close date depending on when they were invited. For example, if I was invited on Monday and the number of days to complete was 2, my close date would be Wednesday. Candidates invited on Friday would be assigned a close date of Sunday, and so on.  

    Vieple recommends a value of 2 or 3, giving candidates 48 or 72 hours to complete.


  1. How many days allowed to review? 

  1. The CSOD integration allows you to set the number of days a reviewer has access to view a candidate’s responses.  

  1. How many reviewers will you have? 

  1. If you have a policy that says each interview must be reviewed by a defined number of people, you can assign that value to the integration. For example, if all interviews have to be reviewed by 2 people, you can specify that for the integration and the scores will only be sent to CSOD once the 2nd reviewer has finalised their responses. Most people find it more flexible to specify a value of 1 here, which means results are sent to CSOD after each reviewer finalises, and the average scores are updated with every new set of results sent through. 

  1. Contact [email protected] and let them know you want to connect your Vieple account to your CSOD account. They will ask you for: 

  • Read Only or Full Access 

  • Number of days allowed to complete 

  • Number of days allowed to review 

  • Number of reviewers  

  • The Callback Access Key from CSOD. 

  1. Allow Vieple Support 48 hours to set up your integration profile. If you want to use SSO, you will need to allow additional time for this to be configured – this is usually dependent on your internal IDP processes. 

  1. Once they’ve set up your integration profile, Vieple Support will notify you with the username, password, secret key and base URL. 

  1. In Cornerstone, go to Admin/Tools/Edge and click on Integrations. 


  1. Toggle on or Configure the Video Interview Connector 
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  1. Enter the details provided to you by Vieple Support, toggle the “Reviewers” option on, and click Save Settings to confirm. 
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  1. Set up is complete and the integration is ready to go! 



How to use the integration 


  1. First, set up your interview(s) in Vieple. It takes about an hour for new interviews to appear in your CSOD platform.  

  1. To invite a candidate to an Vieple interview, go to “Manage Candidates” in CSOD.

  1. Select the candidate(s) you want to invite and from the “More” menu, select “Assign On-Demand Interview”. 


  1. The panel will list the interviews that are available. Select the interview required, nominate the reviewer(s) and then Submit. This triggers an invite that is sent from Vieple to the candidate, with their login link. Reviewers are selected from your CSOD account users.  

    The candidate then completes their interview in the Vieple platform. 

  1. The Custom On-Demand Video Interview column in CSOD shows the candidate status: 

  1. Unassigned – no video interview has been assigned for this candidate 

  1. Pending recommendation – an interview has been assigned, but not reviewed 

  1. Completed – an interview has been reviewed and finalised in the Vieple platform. 


  1. To review a candidate’s interview, select View Profile for the candidate, from the Manage Candidates page.  
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  1. This opens up the candidate profile. The “View Interview” button redirects you to Vieple. If Full Access has been turned on and SSO has not been enabled, you will be required to login. If using Read Only or Full Access with SSO, you will be taken directly to the candidate’s interview. 
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  1. Once you have finalised your scores and comments in Vieple, this panel will be updated. The Status changes to Completed and the Score field is updated with the overall score. No further reviewers can be added once the interview has been finalised in Vieple.  
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Integration workflow 

The following diagram summarises the workflow between CSOD and Vieple. 


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Support contact 

If you have any questions relating to your CSOD/Vieple integration, please contact our support team on [email protected]. 

For account enquiries, contact [email protected]. 

For a general Vieple user guide and FAQs, refer to our user guide here  

Video Instructions:

1. Connect CSOD to Vieple

2. Inviting a Candidate to Vieple

3. Review and Score