I need to Review Candidates that have completed a Video Interview

Modified on Thu, 23 Jan at 8:49 AM

The articles below will cover all of the features you may need when using Vieple to review Candidates' submissions or to extract overall scores and data.


If you have any questions or require technical assistance, you can get in touch with our Service Desk team at [email protected].



How to Review Candidates' Responses

You can use the Vieple platform to view candidates' responses and then provide them with scores and comments. The review process is covered in our guide for Raters, but the process is the same for administrator level users.

[View the Article]


Interview Dashboard

The Interview Dashboard gives an overall summary of the various data for an interview. You can also access data exports from this page for information like Rater progress and text/essay responses.

[View the Article]


View and Export Group Score Reports

After your users have submitted their review, you will be able to see each candidate's score in the Group Report page. This can also be extracted into Excel for further analysis or to calculate any custom scoring.

[View the Article]