Reviewers are users that are invited to Campaign to comment and rate your applicants at any stage of your Job. Reviewers do not have Administrator privileges, and can only view/comment/rate on the applications that are selected for them.
- Add a Reviewer to your Account
- Allocate a Reviewer to Applications in your Job
- How to Review an Application
Add a Reviewer to your Account
You can add a new Reviewer to your account using the instructions below:
Select the User Management page on your account. |
Select the New User option from the left side-menu. | |
Enter your new user's details in to the form, and click Submit Request.
The new user will automatically receive an invitation with their login details. |
Allocate a Reviewer to Applications in your Job
To allocate a Reviewer, please follow the steps below:
Select the stage where you would like to assign reviewers. | |
Select the applications that you would like to move to another stage. | Select Applications Individually:
Select All Applications On-Screen (bottom of page): |
Once you have made your selection, at the bottom of the page, click on the purple actions button and select Assign Reviewers. | |
Choose 1 or more users to assign to these applications for review.
Due Date: An optional due date for the review to be submitted.
Email Template: Choose to send an email notification to your reviewers.
Click Assign Reviewers at the bottom of the pop up to assign and send your email. |
How to Review an Application
Reviewers log in at and select the Company and Job to review. | |
A list of applications they have been assigned to review will be arranged by Job and Stage. | |
Clicking on an applicant's name on the left side of the screen will show their details, where the Edit button is used to add or update a review.
The applications details shown to reviewers can be limited by using the Visible Controls option in the Stage Settings. You can find more about stages here. | |
A review consists of:
Score: A score can be added by clicking on the Stars at the of the review page.
Tags: Tags can be selected from the drop-down list. Once a tag has been added/removed, click the Update button to save the change.
Comment: Comments are typed into the textbox, and saved by clicking Add.
Reviewer Form: Reviewer forms can be added to a stage by request from our team at [email protected]. These are similar to application forms, and can be customised to suit your requirements. Application forms can be used to collect specific feedback on an application. We recommend keeping reviewer forms short and simple, to streamline the review process.
How to Review a Video Interview Submission
Reviewers log in at and select the Company and Job to review. | |
A list of applications they have been assigned to review will be arranged by Job and Stage. To review a video interview, the reviewer will click on the 'Video Interview' stage. This will show a list of applications they have been invited to review. | |
The reviewer can select an application, then click on the green Review option to access their video interview. | |
From here, the Reviewer can use the navigation tabs at the top to view each question, and any additional ratings: |
After watching a response, the reviewer can click on the Star icons to submit a score. They can also use the comment box to submit a comment. Comments are not visible to the applicants. Once a question has been reviewed, they can move on to the next question using the navigation tabs at the top. | |
Once the reviewer has completed their review, they will need to go to the Finalisation tab. From here, they can review their scores and comments before clicking the red Finalise Ratings and Comments button to complete their review and send the scores back to Campaign. After finalising their review, they will be returned to Campaign where they can continue reviewing any other applications. |